Sunday, November 28, 2010

First Blog Post!

Welcome everyone! This is my first blog, and I must confess that I'm not very good at making websites or flyers, doing Photoshop, and all those kind of things. Well, maybe once I get into blogging, I'll change my background and get artsy with the template design, making it better. I guess everyone's gotta start somewhere!

But I'm so in awe of the many makeup gurus who have done all the blogging and Youtube videos before me, putting a lot of effort, passion and artistic ability into what they're doing. I was pretty much inspired, and wanted a blog space to do my own thing, my own way. Here, I'd love to talk about anything, it doesn't have to be strictly beauty related, and I'd like to put up whatever pictures I want, and chat with people who appreciate the same things I do. So hopefully you like what you see, and if you want to leave some comments, or friendly advice, I'd love that! Have a beautiful day! ~ Darlina

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